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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween 2020

I love Halloween. When my kids outgrow the stage where they go trick-or-treating, it's going to be a sad day. For now, they still dress up and patrol the neighborhood for more candy they can ever eat. The costumes they come up with are always so fun too. This year, the Hamilton craze led to Connor's choice of costume. The King George character was great and Connor had a blast walking around acting like royalty. I took these photos a few days in advance and I told him to strike a pose....he delivered.

Evan's original costume was this giant inflatable teddy bear. GREAT for a party, but not that practical for running around a neighborhood.

He also couldn't quite see out of the viewing window, so we had to make a quick trip to Party City to find an alternate, which turned out to be a great fit with the royal court theme. The King and his Jester!

We had to do trick-or-treating a little differently this year due to Covid. The neighbors agreed to set up tables outside so kids could grab treats without ringing the doorbell or congregating on porches. I pre-bagged everything in treat bags. I actually really like this so much better as we could see the neighborhood excitement and our pets didn't freak out from a constantly ringing doorbell. Next year I think we'll get the fire pit out too to stay warm.

Evan as usual had his best buddy, Teddy, over to trick-or-treat with him. They turn 13 in 2021 and I'm not sure if they'll keep going but I really hope so. Let them be kids for as long as possible.

Connor walked around with his neighbor friend, Caius. Abram and Carmen came over for some photos, then they were all off! So fun!

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