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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Halloween and a Pumpkin Play

If I could just squeeze a few more hours into a 24 hour day, I might get caught up on personal stuff, like photos and blogging. Until then, how about a little nostalgia for fall? We moved into our new house a week before Halloween, but it wasn't the first time we went trick-or-treating in the neighborhood since Evan's friends had invited him (and us) over the past couple of years. It's a fantastic neighborhood for the holiday. Easy to walk and as we are sort of centrally located, the kids can stop back in to warm up before more candy collecting.

This year Evan dressed up as Luke Skywalker, and little brother, Connor, went along for a Star Wars theme as R2D2.

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As luck would have it, his bestie dressed up as Jango Fett, which made for some fun photos of the two of them.

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[Phone shot, courtesy of Jango's mom]

A bunch of neighbor kids and some friends from summer camp gathered to trick-or-treat together (with parents). What a fun crew!

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[Photo note: I had to do some photoshopping on this one. Not my best job, but I'm amazed that of all these kids, only one wasn't looking. I need to move my watermark so it's not covering the eagle's face - which, by the way, isn't that the coolest costume?]

A couple of weeks later, Evan's first grade class put on a "Pumpkin Play" for parents.

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Video courtesy of another mom who went to the previous day's performance.

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