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Saturday, September 19, 2020

Connor at 7

As I sit here thinking about who Connor is at seven years old, I realize he's transitioned so much from younger to older kid this past year, into an age where he needs a little less guidance and a little more independence to figure it out. I looked back at how I described seven for Evan and I wrote that he was in the "in between" of being kid and tween and it holds true for Connor too.

There are things that are fading as he grows older and that we miss so terribly much, like the costume stage. Not that he doesn't still like them, but it's not an every day mix and match thing anymore.

It didn't keep him from donning a suit on several occasions for his virtual school sessions. So the Boss Baby phase hasn't quite ended yet.

He is 110% music obsessed. He listens, sings, and dances in every room and will even pull Alexa into the garage to play music while playing basketball in the driveway. The genre of the day can vary from the summer focus on Hamilton to Imagine Dragons to an Among Us Rap Battle (the music from a super trendy game the kids play). I am sad that he stopped taking dance because it is so very much in his personality, but this is an age where observation starts to play a bigger role and he noticed he was the only boy and the music wasn't really his style.

Right after his birthday, we learned he needed glasses. And wow have kids' glasses improved so much since I was a kid. Remember the lens stickers? That was a weird fad. Now they have so many options and Connor's personality definitely came through when he picked out the style he wanted. I quickly learned it's good to have back-ups, including the super flexible frames for "play" glasses.

After Evan started tennis, Connor wanted to try it out too. So he enrolled at the same club and has already advanced to a higher level a full year in advance.

He played basketball again this winter in a local league and was thrilled to be on the same team as his school friend.

He's growing up, but not too old to cuddle up to me or a few stuffed friends.

I miss that my baby isn't really a baby anymore, but he is such a cool character - funny, smart, and kind. All the things a parent could hope for. Happy 7th Birthday, Connor! We love you.

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