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Friday, December 5, 2008

Six Months Already?

Evan reached the half year mark on December 1 and is continuing to amaze us every day. He slowed down a bit on the growth chart, to the 50th percentile. I think he's trying to show off a slimmer, trimmer physique for all the girls in his day care class! He's such a flirt.

We're really excited for his first Christmas. He watched in amazement as we put up the Christmas tree last weekend, and he loves looking at the ornaments.
He has two teeth now and is trying out veggies. He's a big fan of sweet potatoes, but not so keen on the sweet peas.

We took a picture to mark his latest milestone - but another lesson learned in parenthood - never try to get a good picture right before bedtime. Tired babies do not make for happy photos.

This one is a little better, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet potatoes, sweet pees...he's talking to and flirting with girls, isn't it time he started eating steaks?