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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Mary Poppins

I am ridiculously behind in keeping this blog updated. Social media took over and it's where most of the updates happen these days, although even that has become difficult at times too as the kids have gotten older. But there are some moments that deserve to be documented. If only for me or close family.

Our local high school is a pretty amazing school for theatre. Nationally recognized, and a perennial ITF performer. Evan got to experience that as a 5th grade munchkin in The Wizard of Oz and even moreso as Pugsley in The Addams Family in 6th grade. There is nothing that brings me more joy than cheering on my kids in what they love to do. Evan is a natural born performer and was a joy to watch in a bittersweet and fun role.

Fast forward to his freshman year and the theatre plans to do Mary Poppins as part of their schedule. For previous productions with kids, the auditions were always live but this time around the director asked for preliminary video auditions for the child roles (Jane and Michael Banks). Connor is very outgoing and loved seeing Evan on the stage, so he jumped at the chance to audition for Michael. I might have struggled to get the music timing right while also trying to record, but Connor, true to form, starts a capella and runs with it. We sent it in before Christmas then kind of forgot about it during the holidays until we got an email to come in for a callback audition in person. The rest is history. Our little dude, at just 9 years old, had his first BIG role in one of the best high school theatres around. Evan was so excited to call me with the news as soon as he saw the cast list. AND he would share the stage with him as both the funny parkkeeper and the everyman success story (not featured in the Disney movie) - Northbrook. They even shared a couple of scenes together that warmed my heart.

Putting on a show like this for a big audience is no joke. I added up all the rehearsals over a two month period and it was more than 80 hours. One of his baseball coaches said that's as much as a high school sports team would practice before the season starts. It's why theatre kids can now get a varsity letter for it.

Connor had the script down in about two weeks and was practicing the Supercal dance at home with Dan in addition to rehearsals. He put his whole heart into it and I couldn't have been more proud of him. We had family fly in from Florida and drive down from New York to come see it. Plus several of the boys' friends came to watch. That meant a lot to all of us.

The Parkkeeper and Bert


Spoonful of Sugar

Let's Go Fly A Kite!


Step In Time was a standing ovation, show stopper every night. The dancing was incredible.

Anything Can Happen (finale)

A couple of my favorite backstage shots.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

San Diego!

In early February I decided we all needed to get away, so I booked a very impromptu trip to San Diego during Spring Break. It was exactly what we all needed. My best friend and her family also flew down for a few days and it was so nice to have other people to hang out with and let the kids entertain each other.

Connor and I were the only ones who didn't get seasick though on our whale watching cruise.

We saw exactly zero whales and hundreds of dolphins.

That hair is everything.

The Zoo is as amazing as everyone says it is, even when crowded.

This is so fitting.

Alicia is the best iphoneographer.

The beaches were, by far, our favorite though. Even though the water is cold, we played lots of football and frisbee, and the kids had a blast. Coronado was my top pick for sure. It helps to have former San Diegans along who know all the places the locals go that are less crowded.

Sweet, little E was kind of enamored by Evan. It was adorable.

A much needed break and probably my favorite family vacation we've done, even topping Disney.

I've always said he has Tom Cruise vibes. Ha!

Within the first day, Dan and I were ready to move here, then we looked at the housing prices and had a good laugh.

Friday, April 1, 2022

The Music Man and Snow White's Adventure

The first three months of 2022 were hard. Harder than I've ever encountered as a parent. Grief is the devil and there is no linear progression to it, just good days and bad days, then turn around and repeat. I was ever so grateful that in the midst of all of it, Evan had a show to focus on and we were preparing for spring sports and Connor's first show. Not that either of these things can repair the damage, but they gave us a reprieve and things to look forward to.

Evan was still in middle school when he auditioned so he was a River City kid and townsperson, and did several of the dance numbers with the older kids. It was really a fantastic show, as always. This school has such an amazing program.

Behind-the-scenes photos are some of my favorites.

Evan has had some wonderful mentors along the way.

About a month later, Connor's school put on Snow White's Adventure. He had so much fun with his royal page role.